This site is a class project for Concord Law School and is under construction.
It is for demonstration purposes only, although the content is real and copyrighted.
If you have questions about this site, please contact Angela Stangle at
Capturing Life Stories
Jose Gonzalez (JGKIX)
Jose has been in video production for over 20 years. He started his career at KHIZ TV as a master control operator, where he quickly moved on to photographer for live newscasts and media production. Soon after, Jose was promoted to be the director of live news casts at the station. Years later, his career took him to The National Training Center at Ft. Irwin, California to work as a civilian contractor for the U.S. Army to produce military training media. Jose went on to become lead of the International News Network (similar to CNN), a mock network newscast for military training purposes. Currently, Jose continues to be a training development specialist out at Ft. Irwin, a News Stringer for various national and local news outlets, continuously shoots, produces and edits local and nationally broadcast corporate videos as well as personal videos for clients, and finally a videographer for the state wide California Life HD TV Show.